I am glad that Gay Days week is over, it was so much fun, yet so busy!
and I am glad to be getting back to my blog.
So to wrap up the last week or so, I did pretty good. Especially considering the long shifts that i worked, and the lack of planning out my meals, I am pleased to report that my blood sugars stayed in range, except for one day where it was 128, and one day where it was 121. Other then that they stayed right around 110. Each day I usually went out for one meal around 2pm, and I would try to take some of it home with me for later, plus every night I took a bag of trail mix with me to work and snacked on that. I also did not keep track, or photograph every single thing I ate but I did want to give you a couple of highlights. Photo 1 Is California Burrito Express. It has become a favorite late night eating establishment, and we are thrilled to have something open 24 hours other then IHOP. Photo 2 is Tabla, Daphne was in town for a couple of the days and we went there and had delicious food as always! Photo 3 was a delicious Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich that I made one afternoon before work (I really liked the picture and thought I would share it) and finally Photo 4, was my delicious plate of Beef and Garlic Bread with Baked Beans, Fries and a salad from Keller's BBQ!
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