Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sam Talbot's Guacamole

For several years now I have just loved Guacamole! It is made from Avocados which are high in monounsaturated fat (the good fat) and also a good source of potassium and vitamins B, E and K.

For those of you that don’t know me I even have a tattoo of an Avocado on my arm.

I often make Guacamole and all I do is mash up a couple of Avocados with some Lime Juice and a little salt and pepper. This method has always worked just fine for me, but as I was looking through Sam Talbot’s book I saw his recipe and decided to change things up and give it a try.

Sam’s recipe has some interesting ingredients in it, things that I would have never imagined, but I must say that it was really delicious (very chunky and full of flavor).

So far his book has been very informative with thoughtful recipes and tons of information that will be useful to diabetics of all kinds.

I’m very pleased to add this alternative Guacamole recipe to my “always increasing” repertoire. As you can see in the picture I do much better when I portion out a serving (On a salad plate rather then a dinner plate). This keeps me from overeating, something that is very easy for me to do, especially when it is this delicious.

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