Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

This documentary was just recommended to me and it was quite good.

The story of two men who lost tons of weight and regained their lives by doing a juice fast.

I wonder if I could do it.

You can watch the trailer and find out more about the film at this website

It is available on Netflix

Monday, January 21, 2013

15 days...Meatless

It has been 15 Meatless days now.
Actually, all but 2 of the days were completely Vegan.
(On those 2 said days I had some Cheese, once at a Party and once at a Restaurant)
I'm still finding NOT EATING MEAT to be quite easy.

I have prepared more meals at home, and I'm enjoying every minute of it.

Not sure yet how it has effected my Diabetes.
My fasting sugars haven't changed that much, but I'm sure that my Hemoglobin A1C (due in a couple more months) will be more telling.
I've also continued to work out quite a bit.
Once a week with a trainer, One weekly Pilates Class, and a couple of Water Aerobics classes each week.
That with the Cardio I do at home I am feeling pretty good.

follow ups to come

Monday, January 14, 2013

Vegan Week

Well... Vegan Week actually went by really fast and was much easier then I had anticipated.
I got a fantastic Cook book by a Vegan Chef and that definitely helped make it easier and delicious!
(I will write a detailed blog post about the book once I have made a couple more recipes from it)

The reasons for me to start this Vegan Challenge were

#1 I have read that a Vegan Diet can be beneficial for Diabetes
#2 I have considered trying a Vegan Diet for many years now and felt like this was a good opportunity to give it a shot
#3 I might lose a little weight during this process

I am by no means calling myself a Vegan (yet)

Another advantage is that this will change my (bad) habit of eating out so much.
I did go out to eat a couple of times this week, and unless you happen to be at a "Vegan Friendly" restaurant ordering food can be challenging.

I did find that my favorite Burger restaurant TEAK's Veggie Burger was really super yummy

(I need to point out that it is possible that the Bun was Not Vegan - but I am not going to be too nit-picky. Besides - I am not doing this for animal loving reasons - I am doing it for health reasons)
In fact I can say now that I never want to be the person that can't find anything to eat when I am out socially because it is not 100% Vegan.

I also had a really good Grilled Vegetable Sandwich (I had them leave off the cheese) from Dexter's in Winter Park.

Looking forward to continuing this challenge for a little while longer.

Monday, January 7, 2013

First Week of 2013

Had a wonderful time on vacation.
Ate whatever I wanted.
Exercised a little.
Blood Sugars got a little higher as each day went by.
(The last night I even had a few drinks and my Blood Sugar the next morning was 201)
However, after eating whatever I pleased for a few days I am now not only ready, but EXCITED to be starting my "Vegan Project"!
I'm kind of done with meat for awhile anyway.

But for now I would like to show you some of my "Food Porn" photos from the trip!

Delicious Cuban Food in Bradenton!

Amish Food in Sarasota

Vegetarian Breakfast on Sanibel Island

Burger in Ybor City

Pizza in Fort Myers

and a Pulled Pork and Baked Bean Burrito covered in Cheese in Winter Haven!

It was all good, but just looking at the photos makes me glad to be giving meat a break.

Today was my first day back to the gym for a Pilates Class and I also ate Vegan all day.
After about a weeks worth of eating this way I will post a blog about my experience!