I have had an interesting week.
Some of it has been very rough.
Some of it has been very good.
I have done a lot of internet research.
I have gone through my Hemoglobin A1C reports since I was first diagnosed and I have made a chart of my progress over the last several years - It was very revealing to me!
I found and have been re-reading my workbook and paperwork from the Diabetes Class that I took several years ago.
I was a little surprised to see that I took this class in May of 2007.
It's been Five and a half years now!
I have re-grouped and am feeling positive.
I'm super-excited about working with the Endocrinologist.
I have also decided to get this blog back to what it use to be!
I will start photographing everything that I eat again, and submit a blog post every day with my food that I have eaten, my exercise, and my fasting Blood Sugars.
I will start on November 1st and log in everything for at least a whole month.
Since I will have a new Doctor on my team this will be a way for him to track the kinds of foods and quantities that I have been eating, and hopefully he can give me some pointers.
I'm also hoping to meet with a dietician at some point!
Thanks for reading.