Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Eat at Home Challenge Day 6

Started with a yogurt and some trail mix. I had made a Rachael Ray Recipe for a Whole Wheat Pasta, Broccoli and Cauliflower Macaroni and Cheese Casserole the night before, so when it was close to lunch time all I had to do was put it in the oven. It wasn't the best Mac-N-Cheese ever, but it wasn't bad for being a slightly "healthier" version. Then in the evening it was leftovers, some Chili and CornBread from two days prior, and a basic spinach salad with almonds, goat cheese and dried cranberries. I must say that leftovers can be really enjoyable. I also had some Cheetos throughout the day, and I ended with a bowl of Cereal before bed. I should have exercised at some point but did not. My 10 hour fasting sugar was 137. Not the greatest, makes me want to work harder. I have a Doctor's appointment today, so we shall see what my blood levels are at very shortly!

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